We work with you to understand what really motivates you and what you want to achieve through your giving, be that purely financial or by using your skills and expertise.  By truly understanding what drives you we can help to develop and refine your giving strategy.

Having created a strategy that reflects your ambitions, we will help you identify potential recipients and partners to enable you to put your plan into effect; carry out due diligence of organisations to assess their capacity to deliver your objectives; and help you build relationships with recipient organisations to maximise the value and assess the impact of your grant and/or involvement.

Assessing the impact of your contribution, both in the short term and at the end of a project, is key to understanding and measuring not only its impact but also what could be improved in the future.  That body of evidence improves the giving habits of other philanthropists, ultimately to the benefit of those circumstances you are trying to improve: a worthwhile investment in itself.

With backgrounds in professional services firms we are ideally placed to work with your existing advisers and compliment the services they provide with our specialist knowledge.  Below are just some of the ways we can help, but please get in touch to discuss your own requirements:

  • Planning and maximising your giving - helping you start your giving journey and supporting you along the way
  • Grant management - acting as the intermediary, negotiating terms and developing the relationship with the recipient
  • Reporting and evaluation - including regular liaison with the recipient and commissioning bespoke evaluation where appropriate to understand and capture lessons for the future and maximising the impact of your gift
  • Establishment and registration of charitable vehicles with the Charity Commission, where appropriate


It can be a challenge to encourage different generations of the same family to share in one individual’s commitment to philanthropy. Perhaps you are struggling to find a way to engage family members and want to instil a passion for philanthropy that can be passed down through the generations.

We can help family members think about their own giving priorities and how this can fit into the overall vision for your family giving. 


  • Creating a giving strategy that will have cross-generational appeal
  • Helping you to delegate responsibility to future generations whilst protecting your vision
  • Helping family members understand what it means to be a trustee
  • Establishing the right vehicle for your philanthropy strategy, e.g. a grant making charity